Tagg Romney, born Taggart, is the most recognized of all the Mitt Romney sons.
At 42, he is also the oldest of the children born to Ann and Mitt.
Similar to the other Romney boys, Tagg received an exceptional education. He was a 1988 graduate of Belmont High School, located in Belmont, MA, and he continued on to achieve an economics degree from Brigham Young University in 1994. His studies continued as he pursued and ultimately obtained an MBA from the Harvard School of Business. Wikipedia.
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Everything You Should Know about Tagg Romney

Tagg Romney; find out the surprising connection between Tagg, IVF and the 2012 election.
Tagg’s career has been equally as prestigious as his education.
He began working for well-known companies such as Monitor Group and Elan Pharmaceuticals, Inc as early as the young age of 20, and he quickly earned a reputation among his associates as a hardworking, stable young man.
By the time he turned thirty, Tagg Romney was working with Season Ticket Solutions and acting as Deputy Campaign Manager for his dad’s race for the governor’s office in 2001. Shortly after, he was named Reebok’s VP of Marketing and subsequently moved on to work for the LA Dodgers as their Chief Marketing Officer.
In 2008, Tagg took a role in a political race once again, this time acting as his dad’s senior advisor in that year’s presidential campaign. He is currently still supporting Mitt Romney as an active member of the 2012 presidential campaign along with working as a partner of Solamere Capital. You can follow his whereabouts on twitter.
The Surprising Connection between Tagg Romney, IVF and the 2012 Election
In addition to the success he attained in both education and career, the Tagg Romney bio reveals good fortune in family, as well.
He and his wife, Jennifer, recently celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary, and they are parents to six children, five of which are boys (Jon, Thomas, Jonathan, William and David). Their oldest and only girl is Allie, who is 17 years old.
Surprisingly, at least some talk has centered on the Tagg Romney children with respect to the upcoming election. The specific focus has been on Tagg and Jennifer’s youngest three children, Jon (born in 2010) and twins William and David (born in 2012), who were all born through the use of IVF and a surrogate mother.
This has potential implications for Mitt Romney in the upcoming election because it has tempted some of the media and public to speculate on how the events may influence Mitt’s feelings on already risky topics, such as birth control and abortion.
The level of impact this will actually have in the political race is still undetermined.
The Event Tagg Believes Changed his Dad’s Reputation
According to an interview with the Daily News, Tagg believes that the initial presidential debate did wonders for his dad’s reputation and the view held by some that he is out of touch with the rest of America.
Tagg also expressed his frustration in what he feels is a poor depiction of his dad’s character and maintains that he is both compassionate and the man who can transform the country’s economy.
However, the Mitt Romney sons are not unfamiliar with campaign assaults against their father, and Tagg pointed out that the attacks are a large reason most of the family did not initially want Mitt to make a second run for president.
However, Tagg was among the three that voiced their opinion in favor of the political move, and he maintains that his belief in his dad’s character and qualifications is what makes him so confident in Mitt’s ability to help the country.
Tagg continues to express his confidence by taking a major role in campaigning, along with his brother Josh Romney, who has also been active in the family’s politics.
Tagg Offers a Behind the Scenes Look at the Romney Campaign
Although still a part of the campaign process, Tagg Romney has kept away from many of the tasks he took part in during Mitt’s previous campaigns, including strategizing and prepping for debates. He claims that being a father to six children and acting as a partner in his own business are both partly to blame for this shift in attention.
This is contrary to recent reports about Tagg’s involvement in the campaign, which claim that he has asserted his desire to take a more active approach and address what he sees as major structural problems within the campaign more directly.
However, Tagg maintains that these reports are simply not true, and he also claims that he hasn’t even attended a strategy meeting in over a year’s time. Further, he stated that the last major involvement he had in any strategizing was when Mitt asked his advice with regard to the selection of his running mate.
As far as the internal workings of the Romney organization, Tagg claims that this story was simply blown up for the purpose of creating an interesting news piece, and the idea that he would play a peacemaker role within the Romney camp has been exaggerated. In fact, he claims that he has never spoken about this possibility with anyone working the campaign.
Although it has been a point of speculation, Tagg is working hard to prove that all is well within the Romney organization once and for all.
The Reason this Election is Different for Mitt Romney
Somehow, Tagg Romney juggles his responsibility to his family, career and the Mitt Romney campaign, and he has spent untold hours travelling and promoting his dad’s name across the country.
His message to those who doubt his dad’s ability and willingness to reduce unemployment rates is simply to take a chance on Mitt Romney. Tagg Romney believes that the current administration does not have what it takes to get things done, and his dad is the one who can help America make some progress.
Although Mitt previously came up short in the GOP primary race of 2008, Tagg believes that voters are seeing things from a different perspective than they did before, making his dad a better choice all around.
However, Tagg keeps a positive attitude about the campaign trail in general, saying that he and his family can all survive if his dad happens to lose in the upcoming presidential election. He maintains that life will continue on as it did for his grandfather, who lost a presidential race of his own in 1968.
>> Click here to read more about Matt Romney.
Overall, Tagg Romney seems to be taking a “glass half full” approach to his dad’s campaign efforts by doing his best to ignore character attacks on Mitt and the rest of the Romney sons and continuing to hope for a win when the election results are revealed.